Reevaluate All Spending
Take a look at your monthly budget. If you don’t have a budget, make one. Include all categories of spending—every loan statement, every bill, all your cash expenditures—in the last two or three months, Frazier advises. “Start cutting out things that aren’t essential,” Frazier says. “You’ll be surprised—that magazine you forget that you get, that digital subscription … this is the time to take a hard look and go back to needs versus wants.”
One easy cut? Panic shopping’s ugly twin: boredom shopping. “Maybe you use online shopping to cheer you up or reward yourself,” says Frazier, “but that’s unnecessary shopping to fill an emotional need.”
And yes, paring down your spending is a smart move for nearly everyone, she says, even if you’re financially secure at the moment. After all, these uncertain times may continue. “This will affect everyone in one way or another,” she adds.